Churches in Juupajoki
There are two beautiful and architecturally interesting churches in Juupajoki. The octagonal Juupajoki church located in Juupajoki Kopsamo village and the Small Church in the current municipal center Korkeakoski.

Juupajoki Church in Kopsamo
This octagonal wooden church was built during 1838-1846. The church represens the empire-style central church type. The outer parts of the frame structure are the vestibules and the sacristy. The outer roof is a lantern cone, and the inner roof of the church room is an angular wooden dome. Jaakko Salin was the construction master of the church.
Juupajoki Church
Kopsamontie 230, 35540 Juupajoki

Korkeakoski Church
Korkeakoski Church or the Small Church is located in the current municipal center of Juupajoki. The church is also known as the Shoemaker’s Church as it was originally built by Aaltonen Shoe Factory as a parish hall for the spiritual needs of the industrial community at the time in 1951. Vuorineuvos Lauri Kivekäs hired architect Jaakko Tähtinen to design this church built of six-inch logs. Instead of the parish hall, the name Small Church was soon established
Korkeakoski Church
Kirkkotie 15, 35500 Korkeakoski